Friday, October 21, 2011

Let the organizing begin!

I bet everyone thought I have disappeared again. But here I am!

Today, while I have some free time, I am going to begin my Organize on a Dime project. (Yes, I officially named it "Organize on a Dime" which I pretty sure is more than likely a hgtv t.v show but not sure) I say dime because my goal is to completely reorganize my house by spending no more than $10.00 on each room. This is going to make it really challenging but fun. I'm going to start in my son's room this morning. He is gone for the weekend so its the perfect time to do it. I'm excited and will most definitely post before and after pictures when I am finished. 

This weekend will be a busy one for us. Tomorrow I have to work a 2 hour shift at my son's school's fall festival. Then immediately following that I am going to a family reunion for my fiance's family. Sunday doesn't allow for rest either since I'll be helping a friend with a yard sale, which I plan on selling our crib and swing in so hopefully I'll make some extra cash. :) 

The cold is settling here in Georgia and I love it. I plan to soak it all in this weekend. I hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend as well! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Long time, no read.

It's been a while.

Well that is a bit of an under statement. But it has been a long time. Too long. I'm not even sure what kept me from posting but I do know that it has definitely been missed. 

So I'm back. :) Aren't you glad!

Here's a quick recap of what has happened during my extended stay away.

  • My daughter turned one and my son turned six. 
  • Kindergarten started and I jumped right in as room mom. Which I might add is a lot of work but worth it when I get that extra time with my boy.
  • My favorite man and I FINALLY decided on a time to get married. I hear summer time wedding bells!! Tons of details of that special shin-dig will come soon. 
  • The T-ball field has become a second home to our family. I also, and I must have been seriously crazed at the moment when deciding this, but I signed up to be Team mom for that as well. 
  • That diet roller coaster I have been on since I don't know my entire life has apparently decided to get stuck at the top of a huge loop. I have plans for this though, big, excuse the pun, big plans. 
  • Oh and this is exciting news, I have become a, get ready for this, I am a couponer!! I am far from extreme although I secretly would love to walk out of the store with 100 bottles of pasta sauce for less than $5.00. I do believe I am very good at it though. My lovely readers will be hearing tons about my deals, for this I am sure.  

Other than the above list and a few small adventures it has been fairly the same around this household. I am getting ready to start a new project--it is currently unnamed but will be a house organizing project for under $50.00. As if I am not busy enough I decided to throw this into the mix but am very excited about it. Our house needs this and I think I do too. 

So hold on to those yoga pants you lounge around in all day (because yes, wearing them has a way of making you feel like you at least worked out enough to put them on, at least it does for me) this blog is backkkkk! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


When I was a little girl, hell even when I was in high school I had very few cares in the world. Then in 2005 I became a mom and everything changed. All of a sudden I was responsible for someone else, for their well being, their life, and that is a lot for a person to take on. It was then that I had to get my priorities straight. My son became # 1 in my world, everything I did, every choice I made affected him. Now, almost 6 years later, I have two kids and my priorities have never changed. I constantly worry about them and wonder if I am doing a good job. Raising kids in 2011 is completely different than it was when I was a child. In today's world there are bullies, a much higher crime rate, illness that have just developed and spread like wildfire, so much negative media, the list goes on and on. Scares me to death to be honest. But nonetheless, my kids are still and will always be #1.

Unfortunally, when people become a parent the word priority means pretty much nothing to them. Yes, they love their child(ren), and they would do anything for them, but they don't always put them first. And it is where I think a lot of people need some clarification, because this area of life seems to be a bit blurry for most. There is a HUGE difference in SAYING that your child(ren) are your number one priority and actually PUTTING your child(ren) as your number one priority. The sad thing to realize here is that some people, not all, not even most, but some people will spend their entire life never really getting their priorities straight. For some reason that I think is beyond anyone's control, these people never understand that the nights out, the material things, the drinks, none of those things will ever look at you or see you as the person you really are.

Every game you go, every dance recital, or spelling bee or karate match, the fact that you decided to bring them along for once, or that you decided they could get a new bike and not have to hear you complain about not having the money, all of that, that is what your children want to remember. The empty seat/bleacher, the disappointment, passing up the chance to ride bikes with friends because theirs is broken again, those are the things children should never get the chance to remember. To be clear, putting your children as your number priority does not mean that you should shower them with material things, because kids change their minds a lot, they outgrow things, and stuff breaks, but seeing you sitting there cheering them on, that will never fade, break or be outgrown.

This all goes to say that this mama wouldn't mind a break every now and then. I will always put my kids first, and can never imagine a day without them. However, taking the chance to soak in a bubble bath or not listen to SpongeBob would be kind of nice every now and then. If you read this post carefully, and made sure to read between the lines you might have figured out where my priorities are, so where are yours?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Walk, Walk, Walk it Off

It has been a while since I have posted. The past 2 weeks have been busy, and stressful to say the least. My daughter has been dealing with some major tummy problems that have caused her to be even more attached to my hip than usual. I am trying my best to just stop everything and hold her, but with Austin and Dusty sometimes it is hard to focus my attention on just one person rather than everyone in the house. My heart has been breaking for her because I know that she doesn't feel well. We have made several trips and several phone calls to her doctor’s office and I do believe that they are doing the best they can to figure out what is going on. The main problem is that she can't seem to hold down formula, she can tolerate baby food and juice but as soon as she finishes a bottle her tummy goes on the fritz. Since we have had to stop formula Memphis is constantly hungry. Baby food and juice is just not pleasing her belly enough. Today the doctor decided she should try a different formula so fingers crossed that this helps. If this fails you can trust me I will be waiting at the doctor’s office first thing Monday morning with a list of things they should look into. Yes, I will go into search overload, worse than the extremely annoying bing commercials.

Oh another note, I have lost 2 more pounds. That makes a total of 24 pounds lost I started this journey in January. I have started walking, almost daily. There have been a few obstacles that I have to work thru since it is not really possible for me to just head outside and walk with a baby, kid, or something becoming a factor. Since Memphis has been sick walking with her has been the biggest challenge. I'd like to say that I’ve been okay with it but to be honest it has been very stressful. I am doing my very best to be there for her, but at the same time I don't understand why it is so hard for her to just lay in the stroller, take a nap and let me walk. Today, however, things started to look up when Memphis began to really enjoy our walk. Anyway, since I have started walking I feel so much better and relaxed. I also feel like I am becoming addicted to walking, which I am looking at as a positive way to help keep me motivated.

So if you read this, please take a minute and wish my daughter well. Then clap your hands three times, turn around, and wave your hands in the air in celebration of my 24 pounds down. woot woot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Could not have said it better myself

Where Do The Children Grow

© Christy R. Dawson

When you see a smiling face
Their happiness all over the place
Singing, laughing, cries of glee,
Come they say, Play with me
The slide, the swing, the monkey bars.
Look at them close to see who they are.
Lots of races, Ready, Set, Go.
This is how the children grow.

If you watch them everyday
You'll see they learn as they play
They'll do what they see, and say what they hear.
You're their teacher though out the years.
Their ideas and thoughts in their eyes shine.
Imagination is a glimpse of their mind
When you’re not looking, don't you know
This is when the children grow.

Watch them as they learn to walk
Listen to them when they talk
Keep them safe, away from harm
Wrap them gently within your arms
Teach them to share and how to take turns.
Set good examples from which they will learn.
At home, at school, wherever they go
This is where the children grow.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The A in Austin is for Awesome.

Last week I took a mini vacation from exercising and somewhat from dieting. (Wednesday just might have been a disaster in the making.) While I was hesitant at first I think it was much needed and very helpful. I feel even more ready to get things going again tomorrow. My new plan is to walk at least 5 days a week. When I can not go walking I will turn to my at home workouts. It took me some time to figure out my old mp3 player since I haven't used it in years but it is now fully stocked with some awesome walking music. My doctor has given my a goal of losing 10 lbs by March 28th, so let the walking begin.

My son is amazing. Yes I am a little bit biased because well I carried him in my body for 9 months then endured 23 hours of labor just to see his sweet face. However, as he is growing up he still does things to simply amaze me. He has recently started playing t-ball, and loves it. Last fall he played soccer and did not really get into it till the 2nd to last game. This sport, however, seems to have him excited all the time. Even during his tryouts, surrounded by 60 other children he never turned off his game face. His first practice was the same way, as soon as we got to the field he was asking if he could go play catch. For several reasons I am glad that he has found something that sparks an interest. Hopefully, and my fingers are glued crossed for this, but hopefully his excitement for t-ball will become a helpful way to release all this energy he always seems to have.

Yesterday I spent the day taking the kids to the Children's Museum. They really seemed to have fun and the best part was that it cost nearly nothing. A good bargain mixed with amazing my kids, you just can not pass that up. I am always looking for some entertainment for my kids at super low prices.

Under the crummiest of circumstances I am going to spend a few hours with my dad and his family today. Earlier this past week my Grandpa bell passed away. Unfortunately my sisters and I were not very close to him but are attending his viewing and funeral today to support my dad. Although prayers are always wanted and needed, today a little extra prayer is asked for my dad and his family.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Celebrate come 'on!

It has been a while since I have posted. So I wanted to drop a quick note to celebrate my awesome weight loss. I still have so much more to lose but I am having a great start. So to celebrate I am posting a before and now picture. I won't say after because I am not ready for after yet, still a lot of hard work to do but regardless, I hope you find some encouragment in my before and now picture. I hope to post again tonight or tomorrow about how much my son amazes me, we have his first tball practice tonight, Go Red Soxs!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

In the snap of a button

Last week I bought a pair of jeans from Old Navy, on clearance, for only $12.00. I absolutely hate trying on clothes at the store and I had my 2 kids with me so I just sort of guessed at what size I needed. Old Navy sizes are always so weird. Anyway, so I got home all excited about my new jeans and dun dun dun...they did not fit. They would not even go over my thighs. Needless to say I was devastated, it's not like I got crazy and bought a size 2. But, instead of storming back to the store and returning them with the idea of explaining to the cashier that they should label their jeans better because clearly these pants should fit, I kept them. I kept them knowing that one day they would fit. Today, I attempted to squeeze into my new, ready to be worn, jeans. Slowly they pulled up over my thighs, oh my could it be...and then yes, in the snap of a button, THEY FIT! Ah! I was so excited. And might I add, my a$$ looks amazing in them. This week has not been very great, mostly thanks to a horrible case of PMS, but none the less, the snapping of the button, totally put a smile on my face. :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh that Mr. Jingles

13 pounds! In 32 days I have lost a total of 13 pounds. When I weighed myself on Monday the evil scale accused me of gaining one pound. Well, I just wasn't having that so a little more work and as of yesterday, my 32nd day of this energy sucking, can't eat the good stuff diet & exercise business and I am 13 pounds lighter! For me personally this is huge (no pun intended), I can feel my clothes fitting differently and just a general sense of happiness about myself that I thought I had lost forever. And this is amazing.

Memphis has not slept thru the night in a month. Then the other night we took Austin's pet hamster, Mr. Jingles (that he got from me and Dusty for Valentines day) away from him because he made bad choices at school. So we put the hamster in Memphis room for the night. Well wouldn't it be, after a month of trying everything I could think of and two doctor visits just to get her to sleep and with the hamster in her room she sleeps thru the entire night as if she never had a problem. Of course I am so excited because when she sleeps, I sleep. Then just as my luck would have it, Austin started throwing up in the middle of that very night that would have been my first full night of sleep in so long. A trip to the doctor and a day off from school it was discovered that Austin just had a stomach bug, one of those 24 hr things. That day we also went to Walmart to buy music and sound to play in Memphis room at night. So it brings me so much joy to tell everyone that last night Memphis slept thru the night for the 3rd night in a row! Here's to finally, accidently figuring out how to get her to sleep, and the hope that it continues!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Cupid, You're Awesome!

It looks like the little chubby baby with wings is flying around today, arrows and all. I have the best Valentine, ever. I love me some Dusty Frank. Hopefully everyone else has a wonderful day and finds the best kind of love in whoever is in your life.

This morning we woke up to a disaster thanks to our dogs. One of them, and they won't confess to which one, but one of them decided to use the bathroom in their kennel last night, so thankfully the weather is nice enough that I have the windows open airing the house out and my sweet Dusty took the kennel outside to be cleaned.

Fortuanally I am still feeling great after the awesome weekend that we had so those terrible dogs have yet to ruin my mood. We spent the entire weekend together, all four of us and it was amazing. As much as they drive me crazy I still looove every minute we get to be together. This weekend also taught me several things that I thought I would share. Please enjoy. :)

1.) People in public places get on my nerves and it takes a lot for me to keep my cool.
     ~ We went to Sams Club in hopes of getting some diapers and other household items that we use a lot so we could save a little money. However, after we successfully found our things we never even made it to the register. People would just stand in the isles, or have 2 or 3 buggys and block anyone from doing anything. Not only that but they were rude, they didn't care about anyone around them. The worst part was that some people, and I don't know how they do it, but some people will go out in public looking like they literally just rolled out of bed. Yes that sounds very superficial but oh I must stop myself right now because I could rant for hours about this.

2.)Dusty and I would give anything to have a little vacation just the two of us. No kids, no house chores, no work, just me and him. However that idea seems pretty much impossible so instead Dusty and I spent the weekend goofing off about which one of us is going to watch the kids. Let me give you an example; I handed Memphis and Austin to Dusty and told him to watch them for just a second because I needed to use the restroom. But I didn't use the restroom..hehe. I went into the bathroom, locked the door and laid down in the empty tub. I manage to get in a few minutes of solitude before my plan was discovered. Dusty and I did things like this to each other all weekend. It was pretty funny. We loove our kids but whew! sometimes being an adult is hard work.

3.) While this is something I have learned in more than a weekend, I still felt the need to share it. Some people on Facebook are just plain horrible. This can be taken in many different ways so feel free to take it as you may. There are the gamers and the ones that use the popular social network just to keep in touch. Then there are those that feel the need to share every detail of their life and love to emphazie on all the bad parts. To the gamers and keep in touch with your family & friends-er, I thank you, for making Facebook somewhat enjoyable. To the rest of you, do you think about what you are going to type before you actaully do it?

4.) If you have never been to the Go Fish exibit in Perry, you must go see this. I had to pretty much drag Dusty to it because he had no idea what he was going to, but once inside he was like a little kid at a candy store. It is like a mini aquarium that teaches about about fish, other animals that live in water, all the rivers and lakes in GA, and fishing. We had such a blast!

I as I wrap things up only to go start dinner I must confess that sometimes your child is way more put together than you are. I spent the entire day looking for the tv remote, only for Austin to walk in the door and find in within the first 5 minutes of being home. Want to know where it was? On the loveseat, plain as day, next to the pillows.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I still hope it makes you laugh.

Maybe its the fact that in five days I will hit the one month mark of my attempt to lose lots and lots of baby weight or the sun shining in the sky(<---though I highly doubt it is the reason since Georgia weather sucks) but I really worked my bootay off in my workout this morning. That's doesn't mean it was easy, I really had to push myself to even get started but it was worth it. The entire workout I pushed myself and now I feel it. Since Memphis has decided she doesn't like sleeping anymore I have been forced to workout with her playing but it turns out she makes it so much more fun. With music playing and my mind in get fit mode my little ladybug encourage me to stop and just dance like a crazy fool whenever I felt like giving up, so I moon walked and jived all throughout the workout.

***WARNING** The following mess to go from my head to this blog may offend some people, some people who I may or may not personally know. I am not an expert on this subject nor do I claim to be so I am in no way trying to offend anyone just stating my personal opinion, like it or not.

People who weigh next to nothing, can wear a jean size in the one digit area or can eat whatever they want without a all suck. Not only do you suck but you need to take a minute and think about how you present yourself. Here is what I mean: Do not call yourself fat or talk about how much weight you need to lose. When you talk like this you sound, to put it nicely, stupid. Instead of setting aside time to exercise all that so called extra weight off or looking in the mirror picking at every little flaw, you might try encouraging or supporting those around you that actually do struggle with weight loss. Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect, but if you are physically healthy, just be happy with that. Take care of your body for the right reasons. Its funny how normal weigh or skinny people complain about how fat they look and need to change their bodies, yet they never stop to think about what they put in their body like that drink or cigarette and how it is effecting their so called "ugly" bodies.

With that said; those that are by medical definition overweight, it is never never never too late too get a healthy life back. If you are a member of this group and you are doing something to lose weight just remember, the harder you push the more you will succeed. Every pound you lose is nothing more than inspiration for those struggling right beside you.

On a completely different note: Last night we went to dinner with my dad, step mom, Aunt, sisters and all the kiddos to celebrate my dads birthday. Its always a fun time when around my dad so I am glad we all enjoyed the dinner. My son was off the wall funny last night and I would just like to leave you with something he said. Memphis was sitting in my lap as I was eating my salad when she reached over and threw her hand into my plate making a small mess. Austin turns and says "Great, who brought the baby!" Maybe you had to be there to get it but regardless I still hope it makes you laugh.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Excuses & A Terrible Teething Trauma

Week three weigh in...not such a good time. I lost 1 pound. I was extremely disappointed but Dusty helped me see the positive in that I am still headed in the right direction, that I did lose not gain. As much as it sends chills up my spine and a crick in my neck, I have to admit, Dusty is right. After talking to him I realized that I have no excuses for this small number. I only exercised one day last week and Dusty and I spent the weekend splurging on food we I shouldn't be eating. This week will be different. I intend on exercising today through Friday, and doing better with my eating. When I began my diet I stuck with the I can eat what I want just limit my portions. However, I am starting to think I need a different approach, like maybe cutting out certain things all together. This is how I see it, if I don't taste it then I am not going to want to eat it now or later. As far as exercising goes I am going to have to push myself much much harder. Once the weather gets nicer I plan to get out and walk or run somewhere. During my talk with Dusty I told him that I need him to push me some, he asked how much more I want to lose and when I told him he half jokingly said that when I lost that many pounds we will finally get married. I laugh and told him how awful it sounds for a man to tell a woman "when you lose x pounds I'll marry you". We laughed some more and I thanked him for being such awesome support and that I won't hold him to the marrying thing.

Memphis has not slept in almost three weeks. I know that sounds silly since most babies don't sleep through the night till after they are a year old. But when I say that she is not sleeping I mean she literally is not sleeping at all. She will eventually get so tired during the day that she will fall asleep playing or laying with me on the living room floor, but that will only last about 20 minutes. At night she is up as soon as I lay her down, then I spend about 30 minutes to an hour getting her back to sleep. I will lay her in her crib, get in my bed, and as soon as I close my eyes...she is awake. This goes on all night till about 3 o clockish, when at that point I just lay down with her in the bed hoping to get in a few hours. Unfortunately most nights she doesn't agree with my plan and will squirm and fuss for a while. Then before we know it the alarm is going off. I told Dusty last night that it might not be so bad if I could lay down with her during the day and sleep some but with my cleaning ocd we both know that nothing would get clean, no clothes washed, no dinner made and I simply can't have that. We went back to the doctor this morning and the doctor said her ears, lungs, nose, everything was great. However, at 9 months old she does not have any teeth so while he can see that the bottom two teeth are coming in it is possible that her gums are trying to catch up to her age and several (meaning the bottom two and the top two teeth) are all coming in at the same time. I was relived to know that she is healthy and not surprised at all that she is teething. But this little news flash that the doctor presented this morning doesn't exactly get her to sleep. He gave me some suggestions so hopefully I can get her back on track when it comes to this sleeping mess. Till then, if you tell me something or ask me something chances are an hour later I will have no idea what you said, because I am that tired.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tea & Crumpets Anyone

I have spent almost every morning this past week deep and I mean deep cleaning our house. Since Memphis is mobile now, and getting into every nook and cranny in this house I figured I needed to get down to her level and clean clean clean. I dare anybody to find a speck of dirt in this house. Okay, wait, don't look for dirt if Dusty is home, he brings home mud, marble bits, and cabinet shavings every evening so looking when he is here would just be an unfair advantage to me. Nonetheless, I invite those two British ladies with the white coats and girly cloves to come over for tea and crumpets any day.

I am still fighting the urge to jump on, spit on, and tear apart this diet and exercise thing. The diet is was getting better. This weekend Dusty and I have been a bit lazy and eating out/deliver is not really the best choices when dieting. However a small part of me does feel like my body is getting used to this new eating style. As far as exercising goes I did not do as much this week, but then again I did clean my booty off so maybe that counts. We shall see on the Monday weigh in if in fact cleaning is a magic calorie burner.

My loves birthday is slowly approaching which means my mind must do some extra thinking. He is super impossible to buy for and does not give me any hints. So I am in need of ideas. Dusty does so much and beyond for me and our little family that I really want to make this a good birthday for him.

Monday, January 31, 2011

What You Focus On You Get More Of

Well, although I was not looking forward to it I stepped up and weighed in for the second week in a row. This week I lost 6 pounds. I was actually very surprised by this number and then very excited because in two weeks I have lost a total of 10 pounds. All in all I think this is a very good start. Exercising still sucks. I wish the weather was warmer and I could find a good place and time to go walking everyday. The summers in between my high school years I would spend walking every morning and I think that was the best exercise I've ever had.

Since this is the beginning of a new week I feel the need to take a deep breath and shake off all the stress and mess that last week held. My goal this week is to look up not down and keep my mind as clear as I wish the sky was right now, stupid rain.

So for the 3 followers I have, or the people who secretly read this blog, here are some words to think about and possibly live by: What you focus on, you get more of. (I learned this at my previous employment and is by far one of the greatest, most simple idea that I've heard) Spend an entire day focusing on the positive in everything and something tells me your day will become a whole lot brighter then it was when it started.

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Little Rant, A Little Ramble

I feel the need to blog. Actually I felt the need to blog yesterday but could never find enough time to sit down. So I am blogging today. Maybe it is the fact that I haven't really slept in over a week or the torture of this diet but what you are about to read is me ranting, just a bit.

Memphis has not slept well at all this week. I can't quite figure out why but I have a hunch that it has something to do with the fact that I let her sleep in the bed with my all last weekend and now she doesn't like her crib. So the lack of sleep has me a bit, emotional.

I feel like I am still trying to jump start this diet and exercise thing. When I drop a pant size or feel completely different in my clothes then this will all feel like it is worth it. I wish that I had the time and place to run. (Where absolutely no one could see me, the girls in my family are not good runners). I read somewhere that running can release a lot of stress and it a great weight loss tool. This is something I am very willing to try, but seem to be having an issue with time management and location. So if you are as nuts as I am and want to give running a try, or already run for fun, let me know how you manage to do it. I have been researching personal stories of people who overcame their weight loss battles and it is exactly the inspiration that I need.

A few weeks ago when I went to the doctor for my yearly visit I had all my yearly test done as well. Unfortunately something on one of my test came back not so right which sends me back to the doctor this afternoon. I am excusing myself from explaining any details because well, I myself have no details but hopefully my doctor visit this afternoon will ease my concerns some.

My son will be entering kindergarten next year. With the excitement of him growing up also comes a big decision. I have the choice of sending him to two very different public schools or a private, religious school. Each school has its advantages and each has their disadvantages. The bottom line of this situation is that Austin needs a school that will best benefit Austin. His learning style is one that needs a lot of one on one and attention. So this is where I need as much input as I can get. What are your thoughts on public vs private school. How would you go about this decision? If you find me on Facebook { }send me a message. I want to do as much research and discovering as I can.

It has been a long week but with it being Friday and all I can see the weekend approaching. I am excited to spend the weekend with my favorite people, who can hopefully keep my mind off things. Thanks for letting me rant or ramble, everyone needs the chance to let it all out whether it is good, bad, huge or pointless. Despite what you think of my ranting, if your reading this line you must have somewhat liked it because you made it all the way to the end. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

My First Weigh In & Why A Mom Never Sleeps

Finally my Austin came home late last night and then Dusty came home even later that night, sometime close to midnight. My boys were back and I was excited! Unfortunately Dusty brought home a nasty head cold so we talked about his trip for a moment then attempted to get some sleep. The head cold decided to seek vengeance on Dusty so he wasn't sleeping much. Memphis decided that she had enough of her crib so then I wasn't sleeping much. Then while laying in the bed I hear this horrible sound, something like a waterfall or dam breaking. Following the sound was this horrific smell. (One of our dogs, Rimshot, our best dog, sleeps in his bed on the floor in our room. He is a great dog, house broken, listens well, good with the kids. Never have we had a problem with him) It wasn't hard to figure out who was the owner of this sound and smell. I slowly get out of bed, being careful since I now had Memphis in my arms. Luckily Dusty wasn't really asleep so I told him what was going on, and as I was getting up I told Dusty not to let Rimshot on the bed. Too bad Rimshot did not get that memo. So there I was 4 am cleaning up this huge mess that our dog had so nicely spread all over our floor. Dusty had made his way to the living rm to sleep and Memphis was back in her crib and not happy. It took a while to clean up, and afterwards it was quite a site to see me, Dusty and Memphis in my arms trying to get cozy in the living room. I do believe sometime after 6 I dozed off, only for my alarm to go off at 7. After taking Austin to school I came home and am glad to say I successfully clean our room and bed spotless. I always joke that if its not one of the kids keeping me up its Dusty, but I guess I'll be adding the dogs to that list now.

My First Weigh In

According to my biggest loser exercise program today is my first scheduled weigh in. I must say that this past week has been hard and exhausting. It has broke me down both physically and mentally. I have a lot of personal things to overcome and I think that is a huge part of this program I have created. I was nervous about my weigh in because at times I feel much different and at other times I feel worse than when I started. While Dusty was away I was a nervous wreck, thinking that I would cave and eat like crazy since no one was around to see me. However, this strange guilt overcame me and I did great. Saturday night I did go for a small but unhealthy snack. Although my head told me to go for it my body did not agree. So I stepped up on the scale this morning and the numbers came in.(Dusty predicted I had lost 10lbs, Oh I love you honey for your exaggeration and it actually made me feel great!) Are you ready? Drum roll please... I lost in my first week... 4 pounds. Yep, 4 whole pounds. I have mixed emotions because on one hand this is a great start, losing too much weight at once is very unhealthy. Then on the other hand, it seems like such a small number. Of course that little number keeps spinning in my head and then I think if I keep it up and lose 4 pounds a week in one month I can lose up to 16 pounds which is huge! At 4 pounds a week I could be at my goal in about 5 months! Still I have mixed emotions and I think I will till I start to see more come off. Overall the most important thing to remember is that I did lose weight, despite the number, what I am doing, exercising, changing my eating habits, it is doing something, so... I must keep on keeping on!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girls Weekend In

Thursday evening came much more quickly than I wanted, I said goodbye to my Dusty, a kiss for me and the babies and he was on his way to Mississippi. He was excited, and I think a little nervous. I was, on the outside, calm and collected, but on the inside, freaking out just a bit. I absolutely HATE being home alone at night. (Hate is a strong word, one that I rarely ever use, but in this situation it was appropriate) I knew the days would be OK just boring( Hey, I am a stay at home mom, I am used to quiet days) but I was not looking forward to the nights. So while I was swimming in my pity pool I was still really happy for Dusty, this is a great experience for him. Memphis has been sleeping in the bed with me (which is starting to seem like a bad idea since she refuses to take a nap in her crib today) and I have been sleeping with the t.v on. Two nights down, one to go.(This is where I take a big deep breath)  At this point you are probably calling me a baby, and that is fine, but we all have fears, so you should remember that next time you see a spider or get stuck in a small space.

You might be wondering where is Austin, he could have easily kept me so busy these few days would just fly by. But, he was spending the weekend with his dad and Nana. So it has just been me and my ladybug~A girls weekend in. When I say in, I really mean in, we left the house for a few hours today just to get some air. We went to the mall so I could use a gift card I got during the holidays and take my ring to get size(Dusty will be so excited that I finally did this). Then we went to the grocery store to get my weekly shopping out of the way. (Which by the way I only spent $42.00 on 6 nights of dinner!) Now we are back in the house and back to dealing with enjoying the quiet. I have, however, manage to get a few things done in half the time it would have taken me with everyone home. One of those things was to reorganize Austins room, so glad that I buckled down and did that.

One more day and my family will all be home, and this I love!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It seems I have made a chisel not yet a dent

I have come to realize that it might be difficult to talk about my new lifestyle of becoming the old me without actually telling everyone how much I weigh and how much I hope to weigh one day. But I just can't bring myself to type or even say aloud those numbers. However, I will say that in order for me to be healthy at my age and height my goal is to lose 70 lbs. Do the math if you wish, but keep it to yourself.

A small hurdle

Exercising is hard. Very hard. But without it this journey wouldn't be near as possible. I have started using the Biggest Loser workout. It goes with our wii, weighs me every week and sets up a very realistic routine for my body type and goals. The past three days I have stuck to this plan and for the 40 minutes my avatar trainer is yelling at me it sucks. It sucks bad. Its hard. I sweat, a lot. And my whole body is in pain. Then when its all over and I lay still for a moment all those feelings I have in my muscles are not too bad. I am not sore but I can feel muscles I didn't think I had anymore. Exercising is hard but it only a small hurdle I must get over so that I can get closer to my goal.

The Big Leap.

The hardest part of this lifestyle is the diet. By far! I love to eat. I eat when I am sad. I eat when I am happy. I eat when I am bored. From the hours of 8:30 am to 5:30 people I am home with only two kids. During those hours (and this is a big and embarrassing secret that I am still having trouble accepting) I eat. I eat because no one is there to see what or how much I eat. I eat what I want when I want. I am proud to say that for the past three days I have done so much better than I thought I would, but its still extremely difficult. My body is so used to eating all the time that it still thinks it needs to eat all the time, even when I'm not hungry. I wish there was a way I could trick my body into thinking it was eating without taking in any calories so if you have any suggestions or ideas please oh please share! I have an addiction to food, you may laugh and think I am crazy but I can tell you that cutting back on food is probably as hard as a smoker cutting back on cigarettes. I don't expect this to get any easier for a while. I know that I have to deal and accept alot of things, both physically and emotionally. But I can do it. I will do it.

The Finish Line

70 lbs. Seventy pounds is a lot to lose. I will say this over and over again because there really is no other way to say it but, this is hard. Support helps alot! I have a great support team at home(though I must convince Dusty that talking about it helps a lot more than keeping it off my mind by not talking) and I am hoping that this blog will become a big supporter too. The finish line is there, that I have to believe.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Big Step for a Smaller Me!

Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr and his I have a dream speech we celebrate his birthday each year, and what better way to do just that then by closing schools. So thank you Martin Luther King Jr. for not only inspiring me to have a dream but for also giving me an extra day with my son. I am one sweet mama that I know! Unfortunately, the weather was a tad on the shall we say ugly side so a small trip to the movie store and the rest of the day was spent watching movies and enjoying each others company.

This week is quite scary for me personally for two very different reasons. The first reason is that in the entire time that Dusty and I have been together we have spent maybe five nights apart, but never consecutively. This Thursday, however, my love will be heading to Mississippi for a weekend long Duck Hunting trip. Now don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited for Dusty. and though he won't really say anything, I can tell just how excited he is too. Still, I am quite nervous about being home alone and him being so far away.

The second oh so scary reason is a big one! Since I had my daughter 9 months ago I have yet to shed a single pound. When I stepped on the scale last week at my doctor appointment my jaw hit the floor then came around and knocked me in the forehead (it was as if I was in one of the v8 commercials) So I decided right then and there that everything was about to change. This week begins my 8 month long quest to become the old me! (My birthday is in 8 months, what a nice birthday present I can give myself) A very realistic diet and exercise program and a whole big heaping amount of support from those that love and care about me and fingers crossed, before you can say "oh my gosh did she really lose that much weight" I will be in MY body. So if you know me personally and see me anytime soon make sure you tell me goodbye, because this person in this body will be soon disappearing.

I am not yet ready to tell anyone my current weight but will soon. However, I intend on keeping the entire world up to date on my progress. Support can take a person a long way so I welcome all of your support, ideas, suggestions, recipes, you name it. And keep a close eye on my blog so you can help me count these pounds away!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh What a Weekend!

Typically, I would not be sitting in my front yard at 8:00 am on a Saturday morning. But yesterday I was doing just that. The weather was sitting at a nice and unbelievably cold 19 degrees. So as crazy as it sounds, we attempted to have a yard sale and actually for as cold as it felt we came out alright. I will not tell you exactly how much we made because then all the favors and "can I borrow"'s will start pouring in, so instead I'll be keeping the size of my loot to myself.

My favorite part of our sale was my son's attempt to, in his words, "fill my pockets with money".  I think it is really important that my kids learn that money is better earned, not so much handed to you (though that would be the life huh, I mean you never know, that whole money growing on tree rumor could come true one day). So Austin pulled a few toys out of his room that he no longer played with, decorated a box, made a sign and waited patiently for someone to buy his things. At some point in the morning two very fragile yet funny elderly ladies loved his attempt and bought a few items.  At the end of the sale he had racked up $7.25. I honestly could not tell you who was more proud, me or him. So what did my little entrepreneur do with his new found riches you ask, well, and this will just make your heart melt, he choose to spend it on his cousin, who later that day was having a birthday party. Here is the successful business man himself, showing off his setup.

Earlier this past week was my nephews birthday, he turned the big 3! So by all means necessary we must have a celebration.  My sister threw a small Thomas the train themed party for the birthday boy. There was pizza, cake, presents and lots of screaming kids. Oh what a way to top off the afternoon. Although I could never stop my nephew long enough to ask him, he sure seem to be having a good birthday. Here's a picture  of that cute as a button and oh so spoiled birthday boy!

The weekend is slowly but surely coming to an end. I can honestly say that today has been absolutely amazing, without a single spectacular thing happening. I cleaned the house(by far one of my favorite hobbies, no really, I could clean all day long and be as happy as a calm), Dusty and Austin even joined in and helped which was a pleasant surprise.  The rest of the day has been as relaxing as I could have ever wanted. As I sit here and type this blog, my sweet and creative son is taking a nap, under his bed. Yes, I said under, this was his idea and hey who am I to keep his creative mind from spinning. And out of the corner of my eye I can see my Dusty and my Memphis laying together on the couch. Now, I dare you or anyone else to please tell me how could it get any better than that. Yeah, that's I what I thought, you got nothing!

Friday, January 14, 2011

There is a first for everything!

I spend my entire day talking to an 8 1/2 month little girl and three dogs, so in an attempt to bring back my sanity I thought I would start a blog. My way of taking the world through the trials and tribulations of my life as a stay at home mom.

First, for those that do not know me or are not secretly stalking me, some basic information. I am a mom of 2 beautiful, amazing, and wildly adorable kids. My son, Austin, is 5 years old and pretty much a big clown. He has a huge imagination, which I am sure will play a big role in this blog. My daughter, Memphis, is just shy of 9 months. She has the biggest, bluest eyes you will ever see, and is by far the happiest baby known to man. (Yes, both of my children are named after U.S cities, and No, they were neither conceived or born there) I am engaged to the love of my life, my Dusty. And by engaged I mean we are completely & underly in love, plan to grow old and weak together, but have absolutely no idea when exactly we will tie the knot. But we are happy, all four of us, we have this way of making each other laugh and driving each other crazy all in the same moment. And let me not forget to mention our three furry babies, Rimshot, Belle, and Ellie Mae. Dusty and I have a very soft spot for dogs in need and are not the best at making decisions, which as you will learn is how Belle and Ellie became 2 of the biggest headaches we love to have the most.

Now, as I started to tell you, this is a blog about my life as a stay at home mom. The most exciting thing and sometimes hardest thing about my job (Yes, being a stay at home mom is in fact a very real job!) is that I never know what each day will bring. I started today by going to the doctor for my yearly exam. With my daughter in tow I checked in and waited for the nurse to call me back. The visit was as normal as it could be and the doctors took quite some time oohing and ahhing over the baby they helped bring into this world. However, I came to realized that having my breast checked and who-ha exam first thing in the morning isn't so much my cup of tea. Next year I'll be scheduling that visit for the afternoon. 

I used to loathe going to the grocery store, but I am actually become a big fan. While spending money is not my favorite hobby, I have learned that buying groceries is more of a challenge. I strive to find the biggest deals and cheapest products. Memphis and I strolled through the isles of Kroger this morning, and came out quite alright in the end. Note to self though, eat before going to buy food, I am not so sure how or when that candy jumped in the cart but it sure found a way to come home with us.

Tomorrow we are having a yard sale, in January, crazy I know! So I have a lot to do this afternoon to get ready. It is quite possible that I will ignore the child labor laws and instill the help of my son when he gets home from school.

So there you have it, my first blog! I do believe it was marvelous! I can't promise you that each day will be exciting or thrilling in some way but then again I can't promise that to myself,  so all you can do is stay tuned.