Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tea & Crumpets Anyone

I have spent almost every morning this past week deep and I mean deep cleaning our house. Since Memphis is mobile now, and getting into every nook and cranny in this house I figured I needed to get down to her level and clean clean clean. I dare anybody to find a speck of dirt in this house. Okay, wait, don't look for dirt if Dusty is home, he brings home mud, marble bits, and cabinet shavings every evening so looking when he is here would just be an unfair advantage to me. Nonetheless, I invite those two British ladies with the white coats and girly cloves to come over for tea and crumpets any day.

I am still fighting the urge to jump on, spit on, and tear apart this diet and exercise thing. The diet is was getting better. This weekend Dusty and I have been a bit lazy and eating out/deliver is not really the best choices when dieting. However a small part of me does feel like my body is getting used to this new eating style. As far as exercising goes I did not do as much this week, but then again I did clean my booty off so maybe that counts. We shall see on the Monday weigh in if in fact cleaning is a magic calorie burner.

My loves birthday is slowly approaching which means my mind must do some extra thinking. He is super impossible to buy for and does not give me any hints. So I am in need of ideas. Dusty does so much and beyond for me and our little family that I really want to make this a good birthday for him.

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