Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Excuses & A Terrible Teething Trauma

Week three weigh in...not such a good time. I lost 1 pound. I was extremely disappointed but Dusty helped me see the positive in that I am still headed in the right direction, that I did lose not gain. As much as it sends chills up my spine and a crick in my neck, I have to admit, Dusty is right. After talking to him I realized that I have no excuses for this small number. I only exercised one day last week and Dusty and I spent the weekend splurging on food we I shouldn't be eating. This week will be different. I intend on exercising today through Friday, and doing better with my eating. When I began my diet I stuck with the I can eat what I want just limit my portions. However, I am starting to think I need a different approach, like maybe cutting out certain things all together. This is how I see it, if I don't taste it then I am not going to want to eat it now or later. As far as exercising goes I am going to have to push myself much much harder. Once the weather gets nicer I plan to get out and walk or run somewhere. During my talk with Dusty I told him that I need him to push me some, he asked how much more I want to lose and when I told him he half jokingly said that when I lost that many pounds we will finally get married. I laugh and told him how awful it sounds for a man to tell a woman "when you lose x pounds I'll marry you". We laughed some more and I thanked him for being such awesome support and that I won't hold him to the marrying thing.

Memphis has not slept in almost three weeks. I know that sounds silly since most babies don't sleep through the night till after they are a year old. But when I say that she is not sleeping I mean she literally is not sleeping at all. She will eventually get so tired during the day that she will fall asleep playing or laying with me on the living room floor, but that will only last about 20 minutes. At night she is up as soon as I lay her down, then I spend about 30 minutes to an hour getting her back to sleep. I will lay her in her crib, get in my bed, and as soon as I close my eyes...she is awake. This goes on all night till about 3 o clockish, when at that point I just lay down with her in the bed hoping to get in a few hours. Unfortunately most nights she doesn't agree with my plan and will squirm and fuss for a while. Then before we know it the alarm is going off. I told Dusty last night that it might not be so bad if I could lay down with her during the day and sleep some but with my cleaning ocd we both know that nothing would get clean, no clothes washed, no dinner made and I simply can't have that. We went back to the doctor this morning and the doctor said her ears, lungs, nose, everything was great. However, at 9 months old she does not have any teeth so while he can see that the bottom two teeth are coming in it is possible that her gums are trying to catch up to her age and several (meaning the bottom two and the top two teeth) are all coming in at the same time. I was relived to know that she is healthy and not surprised at all that she is teething. But this little news flash that the doctor presented this morning doesn't exactly get her to sleep. He gave me some suggestions so hopefully I can get her back on track when it comes to this sleeping mess. Till then, if you tell me something or ask me something chances are an hour later I will have no idea what you said, because I am that tired.

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