Thursday, February 10, 2011

I still hope it makes you laugh.

Maybe its the fact that in five days I will hit the one month mark of my attempt to lose lots and lots of baby weight or the sun shining in the sky(<---though I highly doubt it is the reason since Georgia weather sucks) but I really worked my bootay off in my workout this morning. That's doesn't mean it was easy, I really had to push myself to even get started but it was worth it. The entire workout I pushed myself and now I feel it. Since Memphis has decided she doesn't like sleeping anymore I have been forced to workout with her playing but it turns out she makes it so much more fun. With music playing and my mind in get fit mode my little ladybug encourage me to stop and just dance like a crazy fool whenever I felt like giving up, so I moon walked and jived all throughout the workout.

***WARNING** The following mess to go from my head to this blog may offend some people, some people who I may or may not personally know. I am not an expert on this subject nor do I claim to be so I am in no way trying to offend anyone just stating my personal opinion, like it or not.

People who weigh next to nothing, can wear a jean size in the one digit area or can eat whatever they want without a all suck. Not only do you suck but you need to take a minute and think about how you present yourself. Here is what I mean: Do not call yourself fat or talk about how much weight you need to lose. When you talk like this you sound, to put it nicely, stupid. Instead of setting aside time to exercise all that so called extra weight off or looking in the mirror picking at every little flaw, you might try encouraging or supporting those around you that actually do struggle with weight loss. Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect, but if you are physically healthy, just be happy with that. Take care of your body for the right reasons. Its funny how normal weigh or skinny people complain about how fat they look and need to change their bodies, yet they never stop to think about what they put in their body like that drink or cigarette and how it is effecting their so called "ugly" bodies.

With that said; those that are by medical definition overweight, it is never never never too late too get a healthy life back. If you are a member of this group and you are doing something to lose weight just remember, the harder you push the more you will succeed. Every pound you lose is nothing more than inspiration for those struggling right beside you.

On a completely different note: Last night we went to dinner with my dad, step mom, Aunt, sisters and all the kiddos to celebrate my dads birthday. Its always a fun time when around my dad so I am glad we all enjoyed the dinner. My son was off the wall funny last night and I would just like to leave you with something he said. Memphis was sitting in my lap as I was eating my salad when she reached over and threw her hand into my plate making a small mess. Austin turns and says "Great, who brought the baby!" Maybe you had to be there to get it but regardless I still hope it makes you laugh.


  1. I think you are doing a great job kellbell. You are right about the weight loss also. I pushed myself to get to where im at now and loving it and it makes me annoyed when skinny skinny people complain about their bodies also. I have no complaints and am now happier than ever with my weight! If you need the extra encouragement ill be there if you need me. Keep up the great job you're doing!(With this blog and also with the weight loss, I can tell a difference even if you might not!)

  2. Thanks Megan! Those are the kind of words that keeps me or anyone else going towards their goal. I'm proud of you for pushing yourself and getting to a lifestyle that makes you happy!

  3. ummm....thanks for leaving me out megan. i agree with everything you said kelly, about "skinny" people complaining about being fat...makes me want to punch them. just sayin...

  4. Thats why I had to say it on here..give them a warning because its possible if I didn't I would punch them. hehe.
