Monday, January 31, 2011

What You Focus On You Get More Of

Well, although I was not looking forward to it I stepped up and weighed in for the second week in a row. This week I lost 6 pounds. I was actually very surprised by this number and then very excited because in two weeks I have lost a total of 10 pounds. All in all I think this is a very good start. Exercising still sucks. I wish the weather was warmer and I could find a good place and time to go walking everyday. The summers in between my high school years I would spend walking every morning and I think that was the best exercise I've ever had.

Since this is the beginning of a new week I feel the need to take a deep breath and shake off all the stress and mess that last week held. My goal this week is to look up not down and keep my mind as clear as I wish the sky was right now, stupid rain.

So for the 3 followers I have, or the people who secretly read this blog, here are some words to think about and possibly live by: What you focus on, you get more of. (I learned this at my previous employment and is by far one of the greatest, most simple idea that I've heard) Spend an entire day focusing on the positive in everything and something tells me your day will become a whole lot brighter then it was when it started.

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