Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh What a Weekend!

Typically, I would not be sitting in my front yard at 8:00 am on a Saturday morning. But yesterday I was doing just that. The weather was sitting at a nice and unbelievably cold 19 degrees. So as crazy as it sounds, we attempted to have a yard sale and actually for as cold as it felt we came out alright. I will not tell you exactly how much we made because then all the favors and "can I borrow"'s will start pouring in, so instead I'll be keeping the size of my loot to myself.

My favorite part of our sale was my son's attempt to, in his words, "fill my pockets with money".  I think it is really important that my kids learn that money is better earned, not so much handed to you (though that would be the life huh, I mean you never know, that whole money growing on tree rumor could come true one day). So Austin pulled a few toys out of his room that he no longer played with, decorated a box, made a sign and waited patiently for someone to buy his things. At some point in the morning two very fragile yet funny elderly ladies loved his attempt and bought a few items.  At the end of the sale he had racked up $7.25. I honestly could not tell you who was more proud, me or him. So what did my little entrepreneur do with his new found riches you ask, well, and this will just make your heart melt, he choose to spend it on his cousin, who later that day was having a birthday party. Here is the successful business man himself, showing off his setup.

Earlier this past week was my nephews birthday, he turned the big 3! So by all means necessary we must have a celebration.  My sister threw a small Thomas the train themed party for the birthday boy. There was pizza, cake, presents and lots of screaming kids. Oh what a way to top off the afternoon. Although I could never stop my nephew long enough to ask him, he sure seem to be having a good birthday. Here's a picture  of that cute as a button and oh so spoiled birthday boy!

The weekend is slowly but surely coming to an end. I can honestly say that today has been absolutely amazing, without a single spectacular thing happening. I cleaned the house(by far one of my favorite hobbies, no really, I could clean all day long and be as happy as a calm), Dusty and Austin even joined in and helped which was a pleasant surprise.  The rest of the day has been as relaxing as I could have ever wanted. As I sit here and type this blog, my sweet and creative son is taking a nap, under his bed. Yes, I said under, this was his idea and hey who am I to keep his creative mind from spinning. And out of the corner of my eye I can see my Dusty and my Memphis laying together on the couch. Now, I dare you or anyone else to please tell me how could it get any better than that. Yeah, that's I what I thought, you got nothing!

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