Friday, January 28, 2011

A Little Rant, A Little Ramble

I feel the need to blog. Actually I felt the need to blog yesterday but could never find enough time to sit down. So I am blogging today. Maybe it is the fact that I haven't really slept in over a week or the torture of this diet but what you are about to read is me ranting, just a bit.

Memphis has not slept well at all this week. I can't quite figure out why but I have a hunch that it has something to do with the fact that I let her sleep in the bed with my all last weekend and now she doesn't like her crib. So the lack of sleep has me a bit, emotional.

I feel like I am still trying to jump start this diet and exercise thing. When I drop a pant size or feel completely different in my clothes then this will all feel like it is worth it. I wish that I had the time and place to run. (Where absolutely no one could see me, the girls in my family are not good runners). I read somewhere that running can release a lot of stress and it a great weight loss tool. This is something I am very willing to try, but seem to be having an issue with time management and location. So if you are as nuts as I am and want to give running a try, or already run for fun, let me know how you manage to do it. I have been researching personal stories of people who overcame their weight loss battles and it is exactly the inspiration that I need.

A few weeks ago when I went to the doctor for my yearly visit I had all my yearly test done as well. Unfortunately something on one of my test came back not so right which sends me back to the doctor this afternoon. I am excusing myself from explaining any details because well, I myself have no details but hopefully my doctor visit this afternoon will ease my concerns some.

My son will be entering kindergarten next year. With the excitement of him growing up also comes a big decision. I have the choice of sending him to two very different public schools or a private, religious school. Each school has its advantages and each has their disadvantages. The bottom line of this situation is that Austin needs a school that will best benefit Austin. His learning style is one that needs a lot of one on one and attention. So this is where I need as much input as I can get. What are your thoughts on public vs private school. How would you go about this decision? If you find me on Facebook { }send me a message. I want to do as much research and discovering as I can.

It has been a long week but with it being Friday and all I can see the weekend approaching. I am excited to spend the weekend with my favorite people, who can hopefully keep my mind off things. Thanks for letting me rant or ramble, everyone needs the chance to let it all out whether it is good, bad, huge or pointless. Despite what you think of my ranting, if your reading this line you must have somewhat liked it because you made it all the way to the end. :)

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