Monday, January 17, 2011

A Big Step for a Smaller Me!

Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr and his I have a dream speech we celebrate his birthday each year, and what better way to do just that then by closing schools. So thank you Martin Luther King Jr. for not only inspiring me to have a dream but for also giving me an extra day with my son. I am one sweet mama that I know! Unfortunately, the weather was a tad on the shall we say ugly side so a small trip to the movie store and the rest of the day was spent watching movies and enjoying each others company.

This week is quite scary for me personally for two very different reasons. The first reason is that in the entire time that Dusty and I have been together we have spent maybe five nights apart, but never consecutively. This Thursday, however, my love will be heading to Mississippi for a weekend long Duck Hunting trip. Now don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited for Dusty. and though he won't really say anything, I can tell just how excited he is too. Still, I am quite nervous about being home alone and him being so far away.

The second oh so scary reason is a big one! Since I had my daughter 9 months ago I have yet to shed a single pound. When I stepped on the scale last week at my doctor appointment my jaw hit the floor then came around and knocked me in the forehead (it was as if I was in one of the v8 commercials) So I decided right then and there that everything was about to change. This week begins my 8 month long quest to become the old me! (My birthday is in 8 months, what a nice birthday present I can give myself) A very realistic diet and exercise program and a whole big heaping amount of support from those that love and care about me and fingers crossed, before you can say "oh my gosh did she really lose that much weight" I will be in MY body. So if you know me personally and see me anytime soon make sure you tell me goodbye, because this person in this body will be soon disappearing.

I am not yet ready to tell anyone my current weight but will soon. However, I intend on keeping the entire world up to date on my progress. Support can take a person a long way so I welcome all of your support, ideas, suggestions, recipes, you name it. And keep a close eye on my blog so you can help me count these pounds away!

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