Friday, January 14, 2011

There is a first for everything!

I spend my entire day talking to an 8 1/2 month little girl and three dogs, so in an attempt to bring back my sanity I thought I would start a blog. My way of taking the world through the trials and tribulations of my life as a stay at home mom.

First, for those that do not know me or are not secretly stalking me, some basic information. I am a mom of 2 beautiful, amazing, and wildly adorable kids. My son, Austin, is 5 years old and pretty much a big clown. He has a huge imagination, which I am sure will play a big role in this blog. My daughter, Memphis, is just shy of 9 months. She has the biggest, bluest eyes you will ever see, and is by far the happiest baby known to man. (Yes, both of my children are named after U.S cities, and No, they were neither conceived or born there) I am engaged to the love of my life, my Dusty. And by engaged I mean we are completely & underly in love, plan to grow old and weak together, but have absolutely no idea when exactly we will tie the knot. But we are happy, all four of us, we have this way of making each other laugh and driving each other crazy all in the same moment. And let me not forget to mention our three furry babies, Rimshot, Belle, and Ellie Mae. Dusty and I have a very soft spot for dogs in need and are not the best at making decisions, which as you will learn is how Belle and Ellie became 2 of the biggest headaches we love to have the most.

Now, as I started to tell you, this is a blog about my life as a stay at home mom. The most exciting thing and sometimes hardest thing about my job (Yes, being a stay at home mom is in fact a very real job!) is that I never know what each day will bring. I started today by going to the doctor for my yearly exam. With my daughter in tow I checked in and waited for the nurse to call me back. The visit was as normal as it could be and the doctors took quite some time oohing and ahhing over the baby they helped bring into this world. However, I came to realized that having my breast checked and who-ha exam first thing in the morning isn't so much my cup of tea. Next year I'll be scheduling that visit for the afternoon. 

I used to loathe going to the grocery store, but I am actually become a big fan. While spending money is not my favorite hobby, I have learned that buying groceries is more of a challenge. I strive to find the biggest deals and cheapest products. Memphis and I strolled through the isles of Kroger this morning, and came out quite alright in the end. Note to self though, eat before going to buy food, I am not so sure how or when that candy jumped in the cart but it sure found a way to come home with us.

Tomorrow we are having a yard sale, in January, crazy I know! So I have a lot to do this afternoon to get ready. It is quite possible that I will ignore the child labor laws and instill the help of my son when he gets home from school.

So there you have it, my first blog! I do believe it was marvelous! I can't promise you that each day will be exciting or thrilling in some way but then again I can't promise that to myself,  so all you can do is stay tuned.


  1. hmmm...seems to me there is a birthday party tomorrow as well? :)

  2. Yes, later in the afternoon. First I have to survive the yard sale, but we will be there. :)
