Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girls Weekend In

Thursday evening came much more quickly than I wanted, I said goodbye to my Dusty, a kiss for me and the babies and he was on his way to Mississippi. He was excited, and I think a little nervous. I was, on the outside, calm and collected, but on the inside, freaking out just a bit. I absolutely HATE being home alone at night. (Hate is a strong word, one that I rarely ever use, but in this situation it was appropriate) I knew the days would be OK just boring( Hey, I am a stay at home mom, I am used to quiet days) but I was not looking forward to the nights. So while I was swimming in my pity pool I was still really happy for Dusty, this is a great experience for him. Memphis has been sleeping in the bed with me (which is starting to seem like a bad idea since she refuses to take a nap in her crib today) and I have been sleeping with the t.v on. Two nights down, one to go.(This is where I take a big deep breath)  At this point you are probably calling me a baby, and that is fine, but we all have fears, so you should remember that next time you see a spider or get stuck in a small space.

You might be wondering where is Austin, he could have easily kept me so busy these few days would just fly by. But, he was spending the weekend with his dad and Nana. So it has just been me and my ladybug~A girls weekend in. When I say in, I really mean in, we left the house for a few hours today just to get some air. We went to the mall so I could use a gift card I got during the holidays and take my ring to get size(Dusty will be so excited that I finally did this). Then we went to the grocery store to get my weekly shopping out of the way. (Which by the way I only spent $42.00 on 6 nights of dinner!) Now we are back in the house and back to dealing with enjoying the quiet. I have, however, manage to get a few things done in half the time it would have taken me with everyone home. One of those things was to reorganize Austins room, so glad that I buckled down and did that.

One more day and my family will all be home, and this I love!

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