Sunday, March 6, 2011

The A in Austin is for Awesome.

Last week I took a mini vacation from exercising and somewhat from dieting. (Wednesday just might have been a disaster in the making.) While I was hesitant at first I think it was much needed and very helpful. I feel even more ready to get things going again tomorrow. My new plan is to walk at least 5 days a week. When I can not go walking I will turn to my at home workouts. It took me some time to figure out my old mp3 player since I haven't used it in years but it is now fully stocked with some awesome walking music. My doctor has given my a goal of losing 10 lbs by March 28th, so let the walking begin.

My son is amazing. Yes I am a little bit biased because well I carried him in my body for 9 months then endured 23 hours of labor just to see his sweet face. However, as he is growing up he still does things to simply amaze me. He has recently started playing t-ball, and loves it. Last fall he played soccer and did not really get into it till the 2nd to last game. This sport, however, seems to have him excited all the time. Even during his tryouts, surrounded by 60 other children he never turned off his game face. His first practice was the same way, as soon as we got to the field he was asking if he could go play catch. For several reasons I am glad that he has found something that sparks an interest. Hopefully, and my fingers are glued crossed for this, but hopefully his excitement for t-ball will become a helpful way to release all this energy he always seems to have.

Yesterday I spent the day taking the kids to the Children's Museum. They really seemed to have fun and the best part was that it cost nearly nothing. A good bargain mixed with amazing my kids, you just can not pass that up. I am always looking for some entertainment for my kids at super low prices.

Under the crummiest of circumstances I am going to spend a few hours with my dad and his family today. Earlier this past week my Grandpa bell passed away. Unfortunately my sisters and I were not very close to him but are attending his viewing and funeral today to support my dad. Although prayers are always wanted and needed, today a little extra prayer is asked for my dad and his family.

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