Friday, October 21, 2011

Let the organizing begin!

I bet everyone thought I have disappeared again. But here I am!

Today, while I have some free time, I am going to begin my Organize on a Dime project. (Yes, I officially named it "Organize on a Dime" which I pretty sure is more than likely a hgtv t.v show but not sure) I say dime because my goal is to completely reorganize my house by spending no more than $10.00 on each room. This is going to make it really challenging but fun. I'm going to start in my son's room this morning. He is gone for the weekend so its the perfect time to do it. I'm excited and will most definitely post before and after pictures when I am finished. 

This weekend will be a busy one for us. Tomorrow I have to work a 2 hour shift at my son's school's fall festival. Then immediately following that I am going to a family reunion for my fiance's family. Sunday doesn't allow for rest either since I'll be helping a friend with a yard sale, which I plan on selling our crib and swing in so hopefully I'll make some extra cash. :) 

The cold is settling here in Georgia and I love it. I plan to soak it all in this weekend. I hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend as well! 

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