Thursday, February 24, 2011

In the snap of a button

Last week I bought a pair of jeans from Old Navy, on clearance, for only $12.00. I absolutely hate trying on clothes at the store and I had my 2 kids with me so I just sort of guessed at what size I needed. Old Navy sizes are always so weird. Anyway, so I got home all excited about my new jeans and dun dun dun...they did not fit. They would not even go over my thighs. Needless to say I was devastated, it's not like I got crazy and bought a size 2. But, instead of storming back to the store and returning them with the idea of explaining to the cashier that they should label their jeans better because clearly these pants should fit, I kept them. I kept them knowing that one day they would fit. Today, I attempted to squeeze into my new, ready to be worn, jeans. Slowly they pulled up over my thighs, oh my could it be...and then yes, in the snap of a button, THEY FIT! Ah! I was so excited. And might I add, my a$$ looks amazing in them. This week has not been very great, mostly thanks to a horrible case of PMS, but none the less, the snapping of the button, totally put a smile on my face. :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh that Mr. Jingles

13 pounds! In 32 days I have lost a total of 13 pounds. When I weighed myself on Monday the evil scale accused me of gaining one pound. Well, I just wasn't having that so a little more work and as of yesterday, my 32nd day of this energy sucking, can't eat the good stuff diet & exercise business and I am 13 pounds lighter! For me personally this is huge (no pun intended), I can feel my clothes fitting differently and just a general sense of happiness about myself that I thought I had lost forever. And this is amazing.

Memphis has not slept thru the night in a month. Then the other night we took Austin's pet hamster, Mr. Jingles (that he got from me and Dusty for Valentines day) away from him because he made bad choices at school. So we put the hamster in Memphis room for the night. Well wouldn't it be, after a month of trying everything I could think of and two doctor visits just to get her to sleep and with the hamster in her room she sleeps thru the entire night as if she never had a problem. Of course I am so excited because when she sleeps, I sleep. Then just as my luck would have it, Austin started throwing up in the middle of that very night that would have been my first full night of sleep in so long. A trip to the doctor and a day off from school it was discovered that Austin just had a stomach bug, one of those 24 hr things. That day we also went to Walmart to buy music and sound to play in Memphis room at night. So it brings me so much joy to tell everyone that last night Memphis slept thru the night for the 3rd night in a row! Here's to finally, accidently figuring out how to get her to sleep, and the hope that it continues!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Cupid, You're Awesome!

It looks like the little chubby baby with wings is flying around today, arrows and all. I have the best Valentine, ever. I love me some Dusty Frank. Hopefully everyone else has a wonderful day and finds the best kind of love in whoever is in your life.

This morning we woke up to a disaster thanks to our dogs. One of them, and they won't confess to which one, but one of them decided to use the bathroom in their kennel last night, so thankfully the weather is nice enough that I have the windows open airing the house out and my sweet Dusty took the kennel outside to be cleaned.

Fortuanally I am still feeling great after the awesome weekend that we had so those terrible dogs have yet to ruin my mood. We spent the entire weekend together, all four of us and it was amazing. As much as they drive me crazy I still looove every minute we get to be together. This weekend also taught me several things that I thought I would share. Please enjoy. :)

1.) People in public places get on my nerves and it takes a lot for me to keep my cool.
     ~ We went to Sams Club in hopes of getting some diapers and other household items that we use a lot so we could save a little money. However, after we successfully found our things we never even made it to the register. People would just stand in the isles, or have 2 or 3 buggys and block anyone from doing anything. Not only that but they were rude, they didn't care about anyone around them. The worst part was that some people, and I don't know how they do it, but some people will go out in public looking like they literally just rolled out of bed. Yes that sounds very superficial but oh I must stop myself right now because I could rant for hours about this.

2.)Dusty and I would give anything to have a little vacation just the two of us. No kids, no house chores, no work, just me and him. However that idea seems pretty much impossible so instead Dusty and I spent the weekend goofing off about which one of us is going to watch the kids. Let me give you an example; I handed Memphis and Austin to Dusty and told him to watch them for just a second because I needed to use the restroom. But I didn't use the restroom..hehe. I went into the bathroom, locked the door and laid down in the empty tub. I manage to get in a few minutes of solitude before my plan was discovered. Dusty and I did things like this to each other all weekend. It was pretty funny. We loove our kids but whew! sometimes being an adult is hard work.

3.) While this is something I have learned in more than a weekend, I still felt the need to share it. Some people on Facebook are just plain horrible. This can be taken in many different ways so feel free to take it as you may. There are the gamers and the ones that use the popular social network just to keep in touch. Then there are those that feel the need to share every detail of their life and love to emphazie on all the bad parts. To the gamers and keep in touch with your family & friends-er, I thank you, for making Facebook somewhat enjoyable. To the rest of you, do you think about what you are going to type before you actaully do it?

4.) If you have never been to the Go Fish exibit in Perry, you must go see this. I had to pretty much drag Dusty to it because he had no idea what he was going to, but once inside he was like a little kid at a candy store. It is like a mini aquarium that teaches about about fish, other animals that live in water, all the rivers and lakes in GA, and fishing. We had such a blast!

I as I wrap things up only to go start dinner I must confess that sometimes your child is way more put together than you are. I spent the entire day looking for the tv remote, only for Austin to walk in the door and find in within the first 5 minutes of being home. Want to know where it was? On the loveseat, plain as day, next to the pillows.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I still hope it makes you laugh.

Maybe its the fact that in five days I will hit the one month mark of my attempt to lose lots and lots of baby weight or the sun shining in the sky(<---though I highly doubt it is the reason since Georgia weather sucks) but I really worked my bootay off in my workout this morning. That's doesn't mean it was easy, I really had to push myself to even get started but it was worth it. The entire workout I pushed myself and now I feel it. Since Memphis has decided she doesn't like sleeping anymore I have been forced to workout with her playing but it turns out she makes it so much more fun. With music playing and my mind in get fit mode my little ladybug encourage me to stop and just dance like a crazy fool whenever I felt like giving up, so I moon walked and jived all throughout the workout.

***WARNING** The following mess to go from my head to this blog may offend some people, some people who I may or may not personally know. I am not an expert on this subject nor do I claim to be so I am in no way trying to offend anyone just stating my personal opinion, like it or not.

People who weigh next to nothing, can wear a jean size in the one digit area or can eat whatever they want without a all suck. Not only do you suck but you need to take a minute and think about how you present yourself. Here is what I mean: Do not call yourself fat or talk about how much weight you need to lose. When you talk like this you sound, to put it nicely, stupid. Instead of setting aside time to exercise all that so called extra weight off or looking in the mirror picking at every little flaw, you might try encouraging or supporting those around you that actually do struggle with weight loss. Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect, but if you are physically healthy, just be happy with that. Take care of your body for the right reasons. Its funny how normal weigh or skinny people complain about how fat they look and need to change their bodies, yet they never stop to think about what they put in their body like that drink or cigarette and how it is effecting their so called "ugly" bodies.

With that said; those that are by medical definition overweight, it is never never never too late too get a healthy life back. If you are a member of this group and you are doing something to lose weight just remember, the harder you push the more you will succeed. Every pound you lose is nothing more than inspiration for those struggling right beside you.

On a completely different note: Last night we went to dinner with my dad, step mom, Aunt, sisters and all the kiddos to celebrate my dads birthday. Its always a fun time when around my dad so I am glad we all enjoyed the dinner. My son was off the wall funny last night and I would just like to leave you with something he said. Memphis was sitting in my lap as I was eating my salad when she reached over and threw her hand into my plate making a small mess. Austin turns and says "Great, who brought the baby!" Maybe you had to be there to get it but regardless I still hope it makes you laugh.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No Excuses & A Terrible Teething Trauma

Week three weigh in...not such a good time. I lost 1 pound. I was extremely disappointed but Dusty helped me see the positive in that I am still headed in the right direction, that I did lose not gain. As much as it sends chills up my spine and a crick in my neck, I have to admit, Dusty is right. After talking to him I realized that I have no excuses for this small number. I only exercised one day last week and Dusty and I spent the weekend splurging on food we I shouldn't be eating. This week will be different. I intend on exercising today through Friday, and doing better with my eating. When I began my diet I stuck with the I can eat what I want just limit my portions. However, I am starting to think I need a different approach, like maybe cutting out certain things all together. This is how I see it, if I don't taste it then I am not going to want to eat it now or later. As far as exercising goes I am going to have to push myself much much harder. Once the weather gets nicer I plan to get out and walk or run somewhere. During my talk with Dusty I told him that I need him to push me some, he asked how much more I want to lose and when I told him he half jokingly said that when I lost that many pounds we will finally get married. I laugh and told him how awful it sounds for a man to tell a woman "when you lose x pounds I'll marry you". We laughed some more and I thanked him for being such awesome support and that I won't hold him to the marrying thing.

Memphis has not slept in almost three weeks. I know that sounds silly since most babies don't sleep through the night till after they are a year old. But when I say that she is not sleeping I mean she literally is not sleeping at all. She will eventually get so tired during the day that she will fall asleep playing or laying with me on the living room floor, but that will only last about 20 minutes. At night she is up as soon as I lay her down, then I spend about 30 minutes to an hour getting her back to sleep. I will lay her in her crib, get in my bed, and as soon as I close my eyes...she is awake. This goes on all night till about 3 o clockish, when at that point I just lay down with her in the bed hoping to get in a few hours. Unfortunately most nights she doesn't agree with my plan and will squirm and fuss for a while. Then before we know it the alarm is going off. I told Dusty last night that it might not be so bad if I could lay down with her during the day and sleep some but with my cleaning ocd we both know that nothing would get clean, no clothes washed, no dinner made and I simply can't have that. We went back to the doctor this morning and the doctor said her ears, lungs, nose, everything was great. However, at 9 months old she does not have any teeth so while he can see that the bottom two teeth are coming in it is possible that her gums are trying to catch up to her age and several (meaning the bottom two and the top two teeth) are all coming in at the same time. I was relived to know that she is healthy and not surprised at all that she is teething. But this little news flash that the doctor presented this morning doesn't exactly get her to sleep. He gave me some suggestions so hopefully I can get her back on track when it comes to this sleeping mess. Till then, if you tell me something or ask me something chances are an hour later I will have no idea what you said, because I am that tired.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tea & Crumpets Anyone

I have spent almost every morning this past week deep and I mean deep cleaning our house. Since Memphis is mobile now, and getting into every nook and cranny in this house I figured I needed to get down to her level and clean clean clean. I dare anybody to find a speck of dirt in this house. Okay, wait, don't look for dirt if Dusty is home, he brings home mud, marble bits, and cabinet shavings every evening so looking when he is here would just be an unfair advantage to me. Nonetheless, I invite those two British ladies with the white coats and girly cloves to come over for tea and crumpets any day.

I am still fighting the urge to jump on, spit on, and tear apart this diet and exercise thing. The diet is was getting better. This weekend Dusty and I have been a bit lazy and eating out/deliver is not really the best choices when dieting. However a small part of me does feel like my body is getting used to this new eating style. As far as exercising goes I did not do as much this week, but then again I did clean my booty off so maybe that counts. We shall see on the Monday weigh in if in fact cleaning is a magic calorie burner.

My loves birthday is slowly approaching which means my mind must do some extra thinking. He is super impossible to buy for and does not give me any hints. So I am in need of ideas. Dusty does so much and beyond for me and our little family that I really want to make this a good birthday for him.